Blog archive

New book due out in November

Saturday 4th September 2021

My lockdown project was commissioned by Arcturus Publishing. I had to choose 50 naval battles and what an interesting task it was. It raised many questions starting with the obvious one of what defines a great battle?

Great Naval Battles includes the big name battles but also some of the unusual and less well known battles at sea over the centuries. It looks at big fleets, single ship actions, naming of battles, non battles, consequences of small actions, repercussions of big battles and, above all, considers who gets to tell the story.

Helping the Fowey Festival of Arts & Literature

Friday 5th February 2021

Festivals of all types have been badly affected by the pandemic and the Fowey festival is one of the longest running literary festivals in Britain.

I am delighted to be giving a Zoom talk for them to raise funds. Book via their website and join me on Wednesday 10 February when I will be talking about Isambard Brunel and the SS Great Britain Musuem.   It includes some rare insights into the wonderful collection in Bristol.

VJ Day and the Indian Air Force

Saturday 15th August 2020

On VJ Day I am remembering the men of 10 squadron Indian Air Force. A mix of Indian, Australian, British and Canadian pilots they were formed and led by Sq Ldr Bob Doe.

They flew low over the jungles of Burma in their Hurri-bombers. On one memorable occasion he led them on a dangerous mission to land on a makeshift air strip behind enemy lines to support the 81st West Africa Division. Their bravery should not be forgotten.

See my book, Fighter Pilot

Names of pilots we know who served are Eddy, Jonny Milne, L S Grewali, Jaspal Singh, R B Davis (Adj), Les Smith, A S Picken, Ron Jones, Roshan Suri, R. Sujir, Latimour, Ned Sparkes and Chrishna. All under the leadership of Squadron Leader Bob Doe



Launch of 'Churchill's Few' by John Willis

Wednesday 10th June 2020

Today I will be interviewing John Willis about his book Churchill's Few. Robin Ellis, the actor best known for his part as the original Ross Poldark, will be reading extracts from the book. 

The book is based on interviews with six men who fought in the Battle of Britain.  My father, Bob Doe, is one of them. The others are another pilot officer who was very badly burned, a sergeant pilot, a Polish pilot, an intelligence officer and a Luftwaffe pilot. They each bring a different perspective to the Battle.


On-Line Maritime History Courses

Friday 8th May 2020

Here are some maritime history courses to enjoy. I am the tutor on two distance courses. The Lost World of the Sailing Ships: a look at the era of wooden sail in 19th century Britain, and Steaming Ahead : How steam ships developed during the 19th century and connected the world.

You can find them at

The courses do not require any examinations or essays so you can relax and enjoy finding out about the maritime past. They cover the ships, the trades, the masters and men, shipbuilders and engineers and a host of related occupations that were part of the shipping industry. We look at ports, both small and large, and the surprising number of maritime businesswomen. Shipowners, small investors, sailmakers, merchants, insurers and marine store dealers all appear.     

SS Great Britain

Saturday 6th July 2019

SS Great Britain: Brunel's Ship, Her Voyages, Passengers and Crew by Helen DoeMy latest book is about Brunel's masterpiece, the ss Great Britain

This is the first newly researched book on her since the 1970s and uncovers many new stories of passengers and crew during her remarkable long life. 

We are fortunate that this wonderful vessel is still here in Bristol today.

Indian Journey

Friday 15th February 2019

I am travelling to India this weekend to celebrate the 75th anniversary of 10 Squadron of the Indian Air Force. My father, Bob Doe, was their first commanding officer. I am delighted and honoured to be invited to Jodhpur .

When writing his biography, Fighter Pilot,  I learnt so much about the WW2 campaign in India and Burma.    

Brunel's Ships and Boats now out

Wednesday 17th October 2018

My latest book is now out. It takes a look at Brunel's lifelong interest in ships and boats. He drew sketches constantly and in his notebooks there are drawings of  everything from a rowing boat to monster steamships.

So his three big ships, Great Western, Great Britain and Great Eastern are there, but also a humble steam dredger and a few others you may not have encountered. Thanks to the Brunel Institute at the SS Great Britain in Bristol, this book is very well illustrated with over 100 pictures. Several of my favourites are in there including the amazing photo of the Great Britain returning across the Atlantic on the salvage raft in 1970 with an RAF escort.   

On my travels

Saturday 24th February 2018

Heading off this week to Brisbane to join the Cunard ship, Queen Elizabeth, as an onboard lecturer. I shall be joining the passengers on our way to Osaka. I have some wonderful stories to tell connected to that part of the world. Among them will be Brunel's Great Britain which took emigrants to Australia, early passengers in P&O steam ships across the Indian Ocean and the air war in the Far East in WW2. Plus the amazing journey of Mary Bryant, a Fowey girl who was transported to Australia but made an incredible escape to East Timor.  I am almost following her route but in considerably more comfort.  

Reviews of The First Atlantic Liner

Tuesday 16th January 2018

Positive reviews are coming in of The First Atlantic Liner. The reviewer in Shipping Today and Yesterday magazine writes  'This is an excellent book and I would very highly recommend it.' The magazine of the Worshipful Company of Master Mariners published a detailed review and described it as a 'well-researched maritime and social history'. While Nautilus, the magazine of the Seafarer Union, also wrote a detailed review and praised the vivid descriptions, human stories and the information on crew conditions onboard early steamships.

An early book review

Thursday 31st August 2017

I am really pleased to see a very early book review of The First Atlantic Liner

The website, The Bookbag , gives it a high rating and describes it as a 'lively account of life on board, based on reports from the contemporary press and from the diaries of British and American passengers'.

The First Atlantic Liner due out on 15th July

Friday 9th June 2017

The First Atlantic Liner Here is the new book, the story of Brunel’s first steamship and the people on board.

I have uncovered some great stories of life at sea in this technically advanced ship that confounded all the sceptics.  Unlike his two later ships, the Great Britain and Great Eastern, this one was built of wood and influenced the design of steamships for many years.

It linked New York and London in the 1840s and provided a bridge between the London of Charles Dickens and a youthful Queen Victoria with pre-civil war  New York.

Published by Amberley Press the book will be widely available.

Another great review of Fighter Pilot

Sunday 23rd April 2017

The RAF Historical Society Journal for this year includes a great review. The author starts by admitting he is very wary of autobiographies and also of biographies by close family members. I could not agree with him more on that score. But his doubts gave way to warm, and rather embarrassing, praise. For me, this is very special as I knew when I set out to write the book that I would be judged on how well I remained objective.

This book continues to feature in the top five bestsellers of Battle of Britain books on Amazon, so clearly readers also like it.

Who Do You Think You Are?

Monday 19th December 2016

My recent appearance on WDYTYA was aired on BBC1 on 15th December. I am seen advising Cheryl on her maritime ancestors. It was a great programme to work on and the team were excellent.

Great review of Fighter Pilot

Friday 4th November 2016

Here is what Britain at War Magazine thought about my latest book

‘A truly wonderful biography… meticulously researched… expertly written… has pace, action and engaging content. A highly commendable book and one that will become a classic in the genre of Battle of Britain pilot’s biographies.’

The First Atlantic Liner

Friday 4th November 2016

I am currently working hard to finish my next book.  It is a celebration of Brunel’s first steamship, Great Western. Launched in 1838 this paddle steamer began the first regular crossing between England and America with a service between Bristol and New York.

Fighter pilot now in paperback

Friday 15th July 2016

Paperback edition I am thrilled to see that Amberley have just released the paper back version of Fighter Pilot: The RAF career of Battle of Britain Ace, Bob Doe.

Paperback edition

Maritime History book wins award

Thursday 23rd July 2015

Grand Bard presenting award to Helen Doe and Alston Kennerley

The Maritime History of Cornwall won the non fiction award ( marine and industrial heritage category) at the Holyer an Gof awards on 14th July. Here are Alston Kennerley and myself being presented with the award by Maureen Fuller, Grand Bard of the Cornish Gorseth. It was a major project, involving many people and taking many years so it is wonderful to get this recognition on everyone’s behalf.

Grand Bard presenting award to Helen Doe and Alston Kennerley

Fighter Pilot is now published

Tuesday 2nd June 2015

The book is now out and thank you to those who have already sent me some kind comments. I now have a Facebook page where I am posting additional material to accompany the book. These include a few photographs and some short audio clips. The diary is getting busy as I shall be at the Flying Legends Air show at Duxford on 11th July to sign my book ( courtesy of the Aviation Bookshop) and then at the Battle of Britain Memorial at Capel Le Ferne on 12th July.    This is always a moving occasion.

Fighter Pilot

Sunday 29th March 2015

The book is now available for pre ordering via Amazon or Amberley Books. Both sites are offering pre publication discounts.

The cover looks great

Fighter Pilot - New Book

Saturday 13th December 2014

My manuscript is now with Amberley Books. This biography of my father, Wing Commander Bob Doe , was a fascinating task. I learned so much about him and the men with whom he served. My admiration continues to grow as I discover more about so many ‘ordinary’ people who did extra-ordinary things in war time. I shall be continuing my research in this area. Meanwhile I am looking forward to the publication – sometime in May 2015 I understand.